Thursday, March 9, 2017

Oceanside Jewelers on Facebook Talk Rings and Jewelry

How and Where to Buy  Diamond Ring in Oceanside

Does the thought of purchasing a diamond ring in Oceanside overwhelm you? Maybe you think you don't know enough about certificates, cuts, shapes, grading scales, or colors to make a well informed buying decision. There's good news contrary to what some sales clerks and web sites would like you to believe, buying a diamond isn't rocket science.

At Gems N’ Loans in Oceanside, we understand that diamond grading will give you the technical information needed when making purchasing decisions. And learning about the available diamond shapes will help you narrow down your choices.

Blemish: A clarity characteristic that occurs on the surface of a diamond. Though some blemishes are inherent to the original rough diamond, most are the result of the environment the diamond has encountered since it was unearthed.

Brilliance: The brightness that seems to come from the very heart of a diamond. It is the effect that makes diamonds unique among all other gemstones. While other gemstones also display brilliance, none have the power to equal the extent of diamond's light-reflecting power. Brilliance is created primarily when light enters through the table, reaches the pavilion facets, and is then reflected back out through the table, where the light is most visible to your eye.

Brilliant Cut: One of three styles of faceting arrangements. In this type of arrangement, all facets appear to radiate out from the center of the diamond toward its outer edges. It is called a brilliant cut because it is designed to maximize brilliance. Round diamonds, ovals, radiants, princesses, hearts, marquises, and pears all fall within this category of cut.

Carat: The unit of weight by which a diamond is measured. One carat equals 200 milligrams, or 0.2 grams. The word comes from the carob bean, whose consistent weight was used in times past to measure gemstones.  

Learn more!

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